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    • #Care and development
    • #Skincare and bath routine

    Irritated areas

    Updated on January 11, 2025
    advice_zones_irr_slider - Mustela Australia - 1

    Preventing irritation

    - After each day’s bath, carefully moisturize your baby’s face and body with a treatment that’s specially adapted to an infant’s delicate skin.

    - In cold weather, apply a protective cream to your baby’s exposed skin before going outside.

    - If you notice any cuts or scratches, carefully clean and disinfect the area right away. Treating irritation once it occurs

    - Clean the irritated areas with a soap-free, non-drying skin cleanser, and dry.

    - Then apply a moisturising, nourishing and healing skincare product adapted to delicate infant skin. This will soothe the irritation and promote skin repair while reducing the risk of infection.

    - Talk to a healthcare professional if there are scabs or extensive or oozing lesions, if your baby is having trouble sleeping or is irritable, or if his skin does not improve after a few weeks of treatment.
