Frequently Asked Questions

You skin has specific needs when you're pregnant. Why ? Because your growing belly and hormonal changes put strain on your skin: tightness, dryness, itchiness, loss of elasticity and firmness, stretch marks etc. 
What can you do ?

Use moisturizers that are specifically designed for pregnancy (any risks for your baby). These products will help limit these pregnancy-specific skin aliments by providing targeted solutions. 

Yes, because the earlier and more regularly you use these products the more effective they will be.

We therefore recommend that you apply a preventive skincare such as Mustela Maternity Stretch Marks Cream, Mustela Maternity Stretch Marks oil  from the first month of pregnancy.

It will strengthen the elasticity and suppleness of your skin and help to resist more intense stretching.

If you would like to know more on this subject, please consult our expert’s file on stretch marks.

Yes, anti-stretch mark skincare products should preferably used at the very beginning of pregnancy because the earlier you use them, the more effective they are.

The skincare products will help your skin resist strong stretching by strengthening its elasticity and suppleness. And even if your belly isn't that big yet, or if you haven't put on that much weight, the early influence of hormones already weakens your skin's resistance. 

Targeted preventive care such as Mustela's Stretch Marks Cream or Stretch Marks Oil help to prepare your skin for these changes and to prevent stretch marks. For more information on stretch marks, see our expert's port. 

Over one in two women have pregnancy stretch marks. Nature's isn't fair, but the best way to avoid these marks on your skin remains prevention.

Using a specific anti-stretch mark skincare products (oil or cream) every day, from the very start of your pregnancy and for several months after childbirth can limit the potential for stretch marks. And if you anyway do end up with stretch marks, targeted stretch mark skincare products also exist.

Multiple factors cause stretch marks during pregnancy, but hormonal changes, stretching of the skin and especially genetics are the main triggers. 

Hormones influence our skin condition throughout pregnancy, causing a decrease in collagen fibers, elastin and fibronectin that usually maintain our skin's elasticity and suppleness. A growing belly and breasts also add extra skin strain - no to mention excess weight !

And that's not all: genetics also play a role. A woman whose mother has had stretch marks is more likely develop them during her own pregnancy. 

To get rid of early (red) pregnancy stretch marks, you can use targeted moisturisers as soon as they appear.

Massaging (at least 5 minutes a day) also increases the effectiveness of skincare products and improves skin blood circulation, making your skin visibly smoother. 

Applied throughout pregnancy, our Stretch marks cream helps to prevent and limit the appearance of stretch marks. It moisturises and soothes tingling skin sensations.

Our Stretch marks oil for pregnant women and new mums acts on new stretch marks with a very targeted action. 
Formulated with maracuja oil, known for its highly moisturising properties, this oil helps improve the appearance of stretch marks by strengthening and regaining the skin elasticity. 

To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, you can use specific skincare products to prevent them from appearing. From the first months of pregnancy and even after childbirth, hormonal changes - on top significant stretching - make your skin more sensitive and fragile.

To prevent stretch marks, massage you skin daily with moisturisers that improve skin elasticity like our Stretch Marks cream. Do this from the very first months: the earlier and more regularly you apply them, the more effective they are !

At Mustela, we have chosen Maracuja concentrate which improves skin elasticity and preserves the suppleness of pregnant women's skin. We use it in our oil and cream, where it helps to prevent stretch marks.

To get rid of early (red) pregnancy stretch marks, you can use targeted moisturisers as soon as they appear. Massaging (at least 5 minutes a day) also increases the effectiveness of skincare products and improves skin blood circulation, making your skin visibly smoother. 

To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, you can use specific skincare products to prevent them from appearing. From the first months of pregnancy and even after childbirth, hormonal changes - on top significant stretching - male your skin more sensitive and fragile. To prevent stretch marks, massage you skin daily with moisturisers that improve skin elasticity. Do this from the very first months: the earlier and more regularly you apply them, the more effective they are!
At Mustela, we have chosen Maracuja concentrate which improves skin elasticity and preserves the suppleness of pregnant women's skin. We use it in our oil and cream, where it helps to prevent stretch marks, and in our serum, where it helps to target early stretch marks.

All Mustela Maternity products have been specially designed to take care of pregnant and expectant mothers, without any risk to the baby, even during breastfeeding. Our Maternity skin care products, based on ingredients of natural origin, have undergone tests and evaluations to ensure guaranteed mother-and-baby safety throughout your pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

Here is a short checklist to help you take care of your skin when you are pregnant: 

1) Hydrate your skin from the inside, by drinking at least the recommended 2.5L of water per day. Also hydrate it from the outside, by applying a suitable cream on your face and body to support your skin that becomes drier, hence itchier, and also more prone to stretch marks, due to hormonal changes.

2) Protect your skin form the sun with a high-index sunscreen (ideally SPF 50). This is essential on a daily basis, especially during pregnancy, to prevent those dark patches ("chloasma" or "pregnancy mask") form appearing on your face.

3) Eat your veggies... and fruit! Their high contents of water, nutrients and vitamins are essential for you to feel good. And if you want a change from strawberries, try dried fruit.

Yes, you can use cosmetic products when you are pregnant: simply check that they are specially formulated for pregnant women or that their formulas don't present any risks for your baby.

This is because some cosmetics may contain ingredients that are potentially unsafe for your baby if they penetrate your skin and pass into your blood.

Seek advice from healthcare professionals: they know the list of products that should be avoided in drugs and cosmetics. If your usual cosmetics are no longer suitable, simply switch to pregnancy-specific and post-partum products. 

Your skin has specific needs when you're pregnant.

Why? Because your growing belly and hormonal changes put strain on your skin: tightness, dryness, itchiness, loss of elasticity and firmness, stretch marks etc. 

What can you do? Use moisturisers that are specifically formulated for pregnancy (without any risks for your baby). These products will help limit these inconveniences by providing targeted solutions. 

All of the products in the Mustela Maternity range were specially designed for pregnant women or young mothers, including when they are nursing. They have undergone tests and assessments aimed at ensuring the absence of any risk for the foetus during pregnancy and for the baby during breast-feeding. You can therefore use them safely during pregnancy or breast-feeding.

Yes, because the earlier and more regularly you use these products the more effective they will be.We therefore recommend that you apply a preventive skincare such as Mustela Maternity Stretch Marks Cream skincare from the first month of pregnancy. It will strengthen the elasticity and suppleness of your skin and help to resist more intense stretching. If you would like to know more on this subject, please consult our expert’s file on stretch marks

Stretch marks may appear during pregnancy, but also after the birth due to the major hormone rebalancing which takes place at that time.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks as much as possible, it is therefore recommended that you continue the application of your skincare for one month after the birth.

If you would like to know more about this subject, please consult our expert’s file on stretch marks.

To take care of you breasts when you are pregnant, follow these steps:

  • Support: to be comfortable and supported, adapt your bra to the size of your breasts throughout the 9 months and while breastfeeding.
  • Moisturise: to avoid stretch marks, remember to moisturise your skin properly, morning and evening, especially on your breasts and belly, where skin tissues are particularly strained. A suitable cream or oil can limit risks of stretch marks. 
  • Exercice, regularly, for better breast support. For example: palm to palm with elbows apart, apply pressure for a few seconds. Do this several times, for a great toning effect !

To take good care of your breasts if you have decided to breastfeed, you should do this:

  • While breastfeeding: although breastfeeding in itself will not harm your breasts, you will need to take a few precautions to avoid painful nipple cracks or engorgements. Checking your baby's breastfeeding position for instance is key: his mouth should cover most of the areola to be able to suck properly. You can breastfeed in different positions, simply choose what works best for both of you.
  • After each feeding: remember to apply a suitable cream to prevent your nipples from drying out or tingling and to help avoid nipple cracks.
  • When weaning: to avoid stretch marks on your breasts, we advice you to continue moisturising them with a good layer of oil or cream, morning and evening, for a few more weeks.

Lanolin, also called grease or wool max, is a wax obtained by purifying and refining the fat from sheep's fleece. It can be found in nursing balms, for its restorative properties. 

At Mustela, we have decided to remove lanolin from our Nursing comfort balm in order to offer a vegan formula, but also because this ingredient can be allergenic and create contact eczema. Indeed, our Nursing comfort balm is fragrance-free and made of 100% plant-based ingredients, its key ingredient is Olive oil, known for its nourishing properties.

Specially formulated to protect sensitised nipples, it soothes and helps to restore the skin, to enable new mums fully enjoy breastfeeding.

To take care of you breasts when you are pregnant, follow these key words: 
Support: to be comfortable and supported, adapt your bra to the size of your breasts throughout the 9 months and while breastfeeding.
Moisturise: to avoid stretch marks, remember to moisturise your skin properly, morning and evening, especially on your breasts and belly, where skin tissues are particularly strained. A suitable cream or oil can limit risks of stretch marks. 
Exercise: regularly, for better breast support. For example: palm to palm with elbows apart, apply pressure for a few seconds. Do this several times, for a great toning effect!

To take good care of your breasts if you have decided to breastfeed, you should do it: 
While breastfeeding: although breastfeeding will not harm your breasts, you will need to take a few precautions to avoid painful nipple cracks or engorgements. Checking your baby's breastfeeding position for instance is key: his mouth should cover most of the areola to be able to suck properly. You can breastfeed in different positions, simply choose what works best for both of you.
After each feeding: remember to apply a suitable fatty cream to prevent your nipples from drying out or tingling and to help avoid nipple cracks.
When weaning: to avoid stretch marks on your breasts, we advise you to continue moisturising them with a good layer of oil or cream, morning and evening, for a few more weeks.

Lanolin, also called grease or wool max, is a wax obtained by purifying and refining the fat from sheep's fleece. It can be found in some nipple balms, for its restorative properties. 
At Mustela, we have decided to remove lanolin from our Nursing comfort balm in order to offer a vegan formula, but also because this ingredient can be allergenic and create contact eczema.

To avoid cracked nipples when you breastfeed, check your baby's breastfeeding position first. In most cases, the skin cracks on the nipples happen because of the child's poor positioning. To prevent them, you therefore need to check your baby's position carefully: he should not be pulling on your breast or turning his head, this will cause him to pinch your nipple or to rub it on his palate - hence the nipple crack. Also check that your baby takes enough of your breast into his mouth when he latches on (lips and gums on the areola), to be able to suck properly.