Frequently Asked Questions

Sweet almond oil is useful for loosening cradle cap from your baby's scalp, but it does not tackle the cause behind the condition. That is why it is recommended you use a specific skincare product that works on both the cause and symptom of the problem. Mustela's cradle cap formula regulates sebum secretion, softens the skin and limits the reappearance of crusty skin. Like all Mustela products it is hypoallergenic, which means it has been formulated to minimize the risks of an allergic reaction - it contains no known allergens or other irritants. In particular, it has been tested in line with a standards-based protocol to verify its high tolerance.

Sweet almond oil may allow you to remove cradle cap from your baby’s scalp or face by softening the crusts. However, it will not act on its causes and cradle cap may thus reappear. For more effective action, we recommend that you use a specific skin care product for cradle cap. By regulating sebum secretion and purifying the skin, this skin care product will allow you to manage cradle cap that is already present and limit its reappearance. If you would like to find out more about cradle cap, please consult our advice section.

No, hygiene is not a factor in the appearance of cradle cap. It is due to the excessive secretion of sebum and sweat and to the proliferation of a microscopic fungus on the surface of the skin (symptoms linked to the transfer of maternal hormones to the baby at the end of pregnancy). If your baby has cradle cap, we advise you to wash their hair with a specific shampoo such as Mustela Bébé Foam Shampoo for Newborns and apply a suitable product to their scalp, such as Cradle Cap Cream : this skin care product encourages the elimination of cradle cap and limits its reappearance by acting directly on its causes. If you would like to find out more about cradle cap, please consult our advice section.

In order to make your eco-wipes last longer, we also highly recommend you wash them in a washing net to protect them from washing machine’s wear. 

Also don’t forget - when they become too rough for their original purpose, give them a 2nd or 3rd life at home (house cleaning? Removing nail polish….)

Mustela products are designed to protect a baby's delicate and fragile skin. You can continue to take advantage of the gentleness of Mustela products throughout childhood and even beyond, without risk.

Water is not enough to remove the dirty marks that may be found on your baby’s skin (regurgitations, milk, etc.).It is therefore recommended that you use a specific cleansing product, such as the No-rinse cleansing water for normal Skin or the Cleansing Milk for dry skin. These skin care products specifically formulated to remain gentle on babies' delicate skin will leave their skin perfectly clean without drying it out or irritating it. If you would like to find out more about hygiene for your baby, please consult our advice section

Mustela Newborn Foam Shampoo has been specifically designed to prevent the appearance of cradle cap and encourage its elimination by limiting bacterial proliferation, which is its root cause.If your baby’s head presents with these little whitish and yellowish crusts, or, if your baby is under 1 year old and still in the common 'at-risk zone' for developing cradle cap, we recommend that you use this shampoo. - On the other hand, if their scalp is healthy, Mustela Gentle Shampoo will be perfectly suitable: enriched in chamomile extracts and coconut oil derivatives, it gently cleanses the hair and prevents the formation of tangles. This is particularly useful once your baby has quite a lot of hair that requires styling. If you would like to find out more about cradle cap, please consult our advice section.

Our fundamental research studies, conducted over the past ten years and the subject of patents and publications in internationally-respected journals, have demonstrated that your baby's skin is immature from birth until the age of 2 years: it has not yet acquired the resistance and qualities of adult skin. The skin barrier is therefore less effective, and more vulnerable and sensitive to external stresses (such as cold, wind, sun, rubbing, etc.). (The surface area to weight ratio in babies is 3 times higher than that of an adult, therefore requiring the use of different ingredients at different concentrations).Furthermore, depending on their skin type, your baby will have specific needs that Mustela can meet through its various product ranges. Each of these products undergoes a specific safety and efficacy assessment to ensure they meet the strict requirements needed for babies' skin. All of our formulas are associated with a toxicological evaluation based on the characteristics of babies’ and children's skin, as well as allergen and tolerance testing of the finished product. Our products meet the safety guarantees needed for the most fragile skin.

From birth and during the first two years, your baby’s skin is immature; it doesn’t have yet the strength and the qualities of an adult’s skin. At the same time, it is rich in a unique capital of original cells but extremely vulnerable. It is therefore essential to use specific hygiene products and skin care to respect its balance.Babies also frequently have their own minor skin problems: irritated areas, cradle crap, nappy rash, eczema or hypersensitive skin are frequent in the first years of life. For each of these conditions Mustela provides you with safe, efficient and respectful skin care ranges, that perfectly adapt to baby’s fragile skin.

Products for adults are not tailored to the extremely delicate nature of babies’ skin: they are too acidic and too astringent.For cleansing your baby, it is therefore important to use specific products that are gentle on their immature skin and do not irritate it.

Mustela Facial cleansing cloths have been specially developed to clean gently cleanse your baby’s face, including around the eyes where little secretions are often deposited. They will leave their delicate skin clean, moisturised and soothed.If you would like to find out more about hygiene for your baby, please consult our advice section.

This depends on the product that you use to cleanse your baby’s face or bottom:

Use the No-rinse cleansing water, which leaves the skin clean and clear in a single step and does not require any rinsing. If you would like to find out more about hygiene for your baby, please consult our advice section.

Yes, it’s indispensable: products designed for normal skin could be poorly tolerated by dry skin with an eczema tendency.

On the other hand, tailored skin care products will make it possible to improve the comfort of your child’s skin and limit the risks of complications and recourse to medication.

- For their everyday hygiene, we advise you to use a soap-free cleansing base such as organic sunflower Stelatopia Cleansing Gel. 
- During flare-ups, we recommend that you use our Stelatopia Cleansing Oil, which cleanses the skin without irritating it.
- Then carefully apply a skin care product such as Stelatopia Emollient Cream. Formulated with sunflower oil Distillate, it delivers long lasting hydration and soothes the itchy feeling on irritated skin areas. It also helps to restore the skin barrier.

If you would like to find out more about dry skin with  eczema-prone skin, please consult our advice section.

Atopic dermatitis (or eczema) affects 1 in 5 children1. It is a disorder of the skin barrier disorder that can appear from the age of 2 months, and subsides until disappearing completely usually around the age of 5-6 years.

It manifests as extreme skin dryness on the body and the face, and alternates between eczema flare-ups with localized red patches, and periods of respite.

In children, this translates as (occasionally severe) itching sensations that impact on quality of life and sleep in particular.

If these signs appear, consult a doctor for a thorough diagnosis. Mustela® offers its new generation of care Stelatopia®: a range specifically designed to soothe and replenish eczema-prone skin of babies and children.

It guarantees clinically proven efficacy and high tolerance from birth, tested under dermatological and paediatric control

The patches of eczema that can appear on your child’s body are the most visible symptom of eczema-prone skin, but in reality, their skin as a whole has been weakened. It is therefore necessary to take care of their whole body with suitable skincare products, such as the Stelatopia range.

To improve the comfort of your child’s skin, these skin care products must be used every day even if the red patches disappear. 

If you would like to find out more about eczema-prone skin, please consult our advice section.

Our research has revealed that a baby’s skin contains a precious wealth of original cells at birth. Unique to every individual, these cells last a lifetime but they are easily lost or destroyed during the first years of life.

It’s important to protect the “integrity” of these original cells because they play an important role in keeping a person’s skin healthy throughout their life. They help to regenerate the skin, maintain its overall balance and protect it from daily stress factors.


Yes. In newborns, the dermis (deep layer of the skin) is three to four times thinner than in adults, and the stratum corneum (upper layer of the skin) is also finer. Finally, the hydrolipidic film that covers the skin and protects it is virtually non-existent in babies.

Thinner than adults’ skin, baby’s skin is in constant development: the skin barrier is incomplete at birth, and does not reach its first stage of maturity until the age of two. Between the ages of 0 and 2 years, the skin is unable to maintain a good level of hydration which is key for its cells to be able to work properly. As a result, your baby’s skin cannot act as a fully protective barrier, and is highly vulnerable to everyday stressors.Mustela’s researchers have also revealed that the skin of a newborn has a surprising source of strength: a unique, lifelong cellular reserve that is at its maximum at birth, yet remains vulnerable during the first few years of life. These original cells play a major role for the skin: they ensure that the skin is able to regenerate and are responsible for maintaining its overall balance against everyday stressors. To preserve this unique cellular richness and to support its development, baby’s skin absolutely needs to be reinforced and protected on a daily basis by using appropriate skin care products.

Some babies and children have naturally dry skin, which requires specific care all year round. During the winter, the skin is constantly under attack from the cold, wind and central heating: it tends to dry out more easily. This phenomenon is particularly intense in babies and children, whose epidermis is more fragile and still immature. During this period, it is thus necessary to moisturise and nourish their skin regularly, especially after cleansing and bathing, and to use specific cleansing and bathing products. If you would like to find out more about the specific characteristics of your baby’s skin, read our advice section.

Because these original cells help to regenerate the skin and maintain its overall balance throughout life, they have a vital role to play. The skin’s wealth of original cells peaks at birth, but it is still extremely vulnerable during the first two years of a child’s life. During this critical period, the skin barrier is still developing and the skin is extremely vulnerable to daily stress factors. That’s why it’s so important to protect and strengthen the skin to preserve its precious wealth of original cells.If you’d like to know more, please read About Mustela Bébé's new care products

Applying a cream at every nappy change helps to protect your baby's bottom.

Prolonged contact with urine and stool, or rubbing of the nappy on your child's skin can cause irritation  in the nappy area.

A nappy cream acts as a protective layer to prevent irritation. At Mustela, our 1-2-3 Vitamin Barrier Cream can be applied at every change - even without any signs of irritations.

Irritations on Babies’ bottoms is common. The skin on Baby’s bottom remains fragile, even if you respect the nappy change rules thoroughly (regular change, gentle cleaning and drying carefully). No worries though, specific care products exist.

At Mustela, our 1-2-3 Vitamin Barrier Cream prevents  nappy area irritations. Applied as soon as the first signs of irritations appear and at each change, its patented complex of natural active ingredients prevents and reduces nappy area irritations.

If the irritation doesn't clear or if the skin becomes infected (oozing), we recommend that you go and see your doctor.

There’s only one rule for the number of times you should change your baby’s nappy per day: as often as needed!

Which means: as soon as your child's nappy gets soiled with urine or stool, in order to prevent the skin on your baby's bottom from getting irritated or developing irritations or a nappy rash.

For newborns and infants, nappy changes usually correspond to mealtimes, every three hours or so, and even at night if needed!

Baby’s hygiene comes first, even in the middle of the night!

If you have a newborn, a night time feed or bottle is a perfect time to check their nappy. Here’s a tip for sleepy eaters: a nappy change will help keep them awake to feed a little longer…


To change your child's nappy and cleanse, protect and soothe his/her bottom, you have a choice between different products: cleansing water. And of course, baby wipes: always super handy when it comes to cleansing Baby on the go.

To protect Baby’s bottom, you can also apply a change cream that will prevent and relieve irritations and recover damaged skin. 

On average, babies are changed 6 times a day! Might as well pick a suitable product!

YES, the Vitamin Barrier Cream prevents the appearance of irritation of the baby's bottom (80% of favourable opinions according to a French study)

Persistent irritations in the nappy area is a common occurrence, even if you scrupulously follow the rules of hygiene (regular nappy changes, gentle and careful cleansing and drying, application of a barrier cream, etc.).

In this case, we recommend that you apply a specific product to take care of nappy skin discomfort on your baby's bottom, such as Vitamin Barrier Cream : by neutralising the enzymes responsible for irritation in the nappy area, this product will reduce its intensity and favour its disappearance. If the symptoms do not fade away after a few days or if it is weeping or infected, we recommend that you consult your doctor.

If you would like to find out more about skin discomfort in the nappy area, please consult our advice section.

Redness in the nappy area is a frequent and generally harmless occurrence in babies.It is due to prolonged contact with faeces and urine, and appears most commonly in the case of diarrhoea, antibiotic treatments or during teething. - To prevent its appearance, we recommend that you change your baby's nappy regularly, as soon as possible after it becomes soiled. - Cleanse their bottom thoroughly with a suitable product (such as Cleansing Milk for dry skin, No-rinse cleansing water for normal Skin or Soothing Cleansing wipes), and then dry completely, not forgetting the folds. - As a preventive measure, with each nappy change apply a specific cream such as Vitamin Barrier Cream, which will isolate baby’s skin from harsh factors thanks to the protective action of zinc oxide. If you would like to find out more about redness in the nappy area, please consult our advice section

Sunburns are dangerous for babies and children because on top of being painful, they can affect their future health. Their skin, thinner and more immature than adult skin, absorbs the sun’s UV rays directly and keeps sunburns "in memory" – which explains the risk to their future health.

Avoiding the sun will always be the best protection for your child, in the short and long run! But if you can't avoid exposure, apply a child sunscreen with a high sun protection factor which is suitable for your child’s fragile skin.


Yes, you can protect your baby from the sun with sunscreen, although it’s best to avoid exposure altogether, as your child’s skin is still immature and fragile. But if you can’t escape the sun’s rays, simply follow these precautions: 20 minutes before heading out, apply a thick layer of child sunscreen (dermatologically tested from birth) on your baby especially on the most exposed skin areas (forehead, cheekbones, nose and lips). Dress your child with loose clothing, a covering hat and sunglasses: you’re all set!

Stay in the shade as much as possible and remember to reapply sunscreen every two hours and after each swim. Also offer baby plenty of water to drink!

Our sun care products can be used risk-free from birth onwards. Unfortunately because of different regulations between Europe and Australia in terms of manufacture, Mustela Australia is not able to offer its Sun Care range in Australia at this point. Please go on to learn more about our range available overseas.

Note: Mustela sun care products are not sold in Australlia, but our sun care products can be used risk-free from birth onwards. The safety of Mustela products is our top priority. Like the rest of our products, our sun care products are subjected to a rigorous ingredient selection process and systematic testing to prove their tolerance and efficacy in all skin types, including eczema-prone or intolerant skin.The WHO recommends keeping young children out of the sun, staying in the shade, and always wearing a hat, T-shirt and sunglasses. However, since exposure to the sun is often unavoidable, we recommend that a suitable sun protection product is also used.

The solar filters we use are a combination of mineral and organic filters. They have been rigorously selected, with proven safety and efficacy. For more than 65 years, the safety of our products and their users has been our top priority.

All of our formulas, available overseas but not currently in Australia, are associated with a toxicological evaluation based on the characteristics of babies’ and children's skin, as well as allergen and tolerance testing of the finished product. To learn more, visit the "Our Commitments" section of the website.

It is recommended you use sun protection products with a high factor, given the vulnerability of children's skin to the sun.Products that are SPF 50 or 50+ are recommended. For optimum safety, try to choose hypoallergenic formulas that are free from fragrances, colorant and alcohol, based on mineral or organic-mineral screens. If you would like to know more about the sun and your child's skin, read our expert report on the topic.

No, sun products for adults are not suitable for babies’ immature skin: often perfumed or based on chemical filters, they also usually have an insufficient sun protection index. For infants’ skin it is therefore essential to use special sun protection, with a very high protection index.

UVA and UVB are ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. They enable the skin to tan but are also very harmful. They differ in intensity and wavelengths:

UVB rays have medium wavelengths and act on the skin’s surface. They are responsible for sunburn and burning.

 • UVA rays have higher wavelengths and penetrate the skin in depth; they lead to accelerated aging and reduce the skin’s elasticity.

In the long term, UVA and UVB rays may be responsible for a range of skin cancers. It is therefore indispensable to use dual sun protection (against UVA and UVB rays), in particular for children.

Sun products protect the skin against UVA and UVB rays by means of filters and / or screens.

Chemical filters act by absorbing the energy transmitted by luminous radiations. They are not always photostable and as they can be absorbed by the epidermis, there is a risk of phototoxicity and allergy.

Mineral screens reflect and diffuse UV rays. They are inert, photostable and form a film on the skin’s surface which limits any risk of penetration.

Organo-mineral screens absorb and reflect UV rays. They are photostable and have good staying power on the skin’s surface. 

Yes, sunburn represents a real danger, in particular for children whose skin is more fragile. Excessive sun exposure may indeed lead to actual cutaneous burns but also, in the longer term, to an increase in the number of moles and the risk of harmful melanoma, accelerated skin aging and skin cancers. It is therefore essential to use high index sun protection, especially for children (SPF 50+ index) and to take the following precautions:

• Do not expose children aged under 3 years to the sun.

Avoid any direct exposure to the sun, especially between 11am and 4pm.

Apply the sun protection in a thick layer before any exposure and renew the application at least every 2 hours and after each bathe.

• Protect your child with a hat, T-shirt and sunglasses.

• Keep your child properly hydrated even if he does not ask for a drink.

If you would like to know more about the sun and children’s skin, please consult our expert’s file on this subject.