Welcome to the Mustela Blog
Pregnancy, giving birth, early days and years: becoming a parent is a true adventure and naturally raises many questions. Discover our tips and tricks to take care of yourself, your baby and family, day after day.

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#Being a parent
Your sex guide: from pregnancy to postpartum and parenthood
Parental sexuality, is one topic that is rarely discussed: although sex during pregnancy is not (completely)...

#Care and development
Yeast Nappy Rash: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
What Is A Yeast Nappy Rash?

#Being a parent
Sharing the Mental Burden of Parenting: Tips for Less Stressful Days
What is parenting mental load?
Mental load can be referred to as: “the psychological burden (especially...

#Care and development
Psoriasis Vs. Eczema: How To Know Which One You're Dealing With
Eczema Vs. Psoriasis: What’s...

#Care and development
Fighting constantly after having a baby? Here’s why
Why couples argue more after...

#Care and development
Babies and sleep: the complete guide for the 1st year
Why is Baby restless when he...

Postpartum documentary: meet with the filmmaker, Eve Simonet
Mustela: Hello Eve, could you please introduce yourself for those who don't know you?
Eve Simonet: “My name ...

Lochia, afterpains, episiotomy, perineal laceration: 4 words you may want to know to understand postpartum
Your baby has arrived, congr...

#Care and development
What Is a Dream Feed and How Can It Help Your Baby?
What is dream feeding exactl...

#Care and development
Dream feeding: An evidence-based guide to helping babies sleep longer.
What is dream feeding exactl...

#Care and development
Nappy-Free Time for Babies: Why and How to Do It?
During antenatal visits, you...

#Care and development
Grooming Your Newborn Baby: A Guide for First-time Parents
Caring for the umbilical cor...

#Care and development
Important Baby Hair Care Tips Every Parent Must Know
1. Shampoo
A sweaty and un...

#Care and development
Dry Scalp Or Cradle Cap: What's The Difference?
Both conditions are common i...

Trying to Regain Your Pre-pregnancy Figure? We've Got Some Tips for You!
After having a baby, when sh...

#Health and well being
Common Chemicals You Should Avoid During Pregnancy
Cheap and widely ...

Breastfeeding and sore nipples: how to say goodbye to the pain?
What can cause sore nipples when breastfeeding?