Skin type
Bab’s skin is very fragile because it is still immature. How should you take care of it? Any best babyskin routines? How to treat cradle cap, dry or very sensitive skin? How about eczema?... Here’s all you need to know for a happy baby with happy skin!

#Care and development
Hydration, good habits for keeping your baby's skin soft and comfortable
From birth to two years of age, your baby's skin undergoes rapid development and is uniquely fragile. During...

#Care and development
Eczema-prone skin: the influence of climate and the seasons on eczema flare-ups
Climate and seasons: Do the...

#Care and development
What should be worn with eczema-prone skin?
Written in partnership with Dr. Clarence De...

#Care and development
Are there particular food requirements in cases of eczema-prone skin?
Written in partnership with ...

#Care and development
My baby has some trouble sleeping due to eczema-prone skin. What can I do?
Written in partnership with Dr. Clarence De ...

#Care and development
Treating eczema-prone skin: can it improve or disappear?
Factors Influencing Eczema-P...

#Care and development
What is an eczema-prone skin exactly?
Written in partnership with Dr. Clarence De...

#Care and development
What is the very sensitive baby skin?
Your baby’s skin is a protective covering a...