Size and weight
Your baby is growing fast: on average at three months, little boys weigh 5.8kg, their average length being 60cm length; and little girls, 5.3 kg and 59cm, respectively.
Gross motor skill
Your baby can now hold his head up when you pick him up, though it will still tend to fall backwards after a few moments. If you lay him on his tummy, he will lift his head and support himself on his forearms for a short time. When lying on his back, he will stretch and bends his legs one by one and love to kick them in the air!
Fine motor skill
Your baby’s movements and gestures, which are involuntary at birth, become more precise and controlled. When resting, his hands are no longer closed but almost open; he will be fascinated by their movements and will spend a lot of time looking at them. If you offer him a toy, he will be able to take hold of it then then will let it go after a few moments. He will begin to try to take hold of the counting frame or small toys hanging from his pram or buggy.
Early learning
Your baby will be very sociable, smile at everyone and will be happy to be carried even by people he does not know, although, clearly, he will prefer to be with people he sees every day such as his mum and mum, and brothers and sisters or his nanny. His delight will be evident when he sees you coming and his eyes will follow you as you move around him. He will be beginning to take an interest in the world around him and will love going for walks in the baby carrier or push-chair. Your baby will also become increasingly communicative and begin to babble from two months onwards. Chuckling, cooing, throaty noises, vocalisation and little cries of delight... He will be playing with the capacity of his larynx and this adorable babbling is simply irresistible!
During the day, your baby is now awake for long periods of time and his naps will begin to be more regular. At night, his sleeping patterns will also be beginning to stabilise too: at three months, many babies sleep from six to eight hours consecutively and can therefore be considered to sleep all night, even though this may seem short to you! However, if your baby is still waking once or more often during the night, this is completely normal and nothing to worry about. You can continue with night feeds as this will reassure him and will not delay the arrival of long nights of uninterrupted sleep.
Remember, every baby has its own pace of development; if certain milestones aren't met exactly on schedule, there’s nothing to worry about. Some developments may come a bit later, or on the contrary, some things may come earlier.